
St John’s Church is doing its best to keep people safe in line with the latest UK Government and Church of England guidelines.

Services are happening online and in person. The weekly 10:30am Sunday, and Tuesday services are open for people to attend in person however pre-booking with the church office is required for the Sunday service and numbers of attendees are strictly limited for both services in line with social distancing rules and guidance.

Please consider if it is wise and right for you to attend services in person, or if you would rather stay at home and join us online.

What to expect if you come in person

Please follow the following guidance if you attend Church in person.

  • pre-book for the Sunday morning services
  • wear a face covering while inside the building
  • sanitise your hands on entry
  • ensure that your name and details are on the contact tracing list. The warden or sides person will have a list you can check
  • maintain social distancing
  • sit in a pew as marked, one pew per household or one person at either end of a pew
  • when leaving please refrain from catching up with friends inside the building, but do so outside and in-line with current Government rules

As the service is streamed to YouTube please ensure you are sitting towards the back if you do not wish to be visible or recorded.

The service will be led from the front and in-line with current guidance that those at the front will not wear a face covering while presenting.

Thank you for your understanding.