A church centred on Christ
Christians are followers of Christ, and Jesus is the centre of our faith. He came in fulfilment of God’s promises, and shows us who God truly is. He lived, loved, served, taught and helped in ways that nobody else has ever done. On the cross he died for us, taking the punishment for our sins, so that we may have forgiveness, access to God, and eternal life in God’s family. Jesus is the heart of our faith, the one whose love fires us, and inspires us to love him too.
A church preaching the word of God
The Bible was written by human beings over many centuries. But since God’s Holy Spirit was breathing his words out through each of them, it has also a single divine author. It tells us all that God needs us to know about the world, ourselves, our sin, about Jesus, about how sin can be forgiven, and how God can be our loving Father for ever. We take our teaching and preaching responsibility very seriously, and find that many people are really glad to have some help in understanding the Bible for today.

A church loving and caring for one another
Church is not a building, and it’s not just for Sundays. The church is us, the people, who belong to Jesus and to one another here. God gives us a church family with whom we share the journey of life, supporting and praying for each other. The Holy Spirit helps us all to serve together. We have a pastoral team, social events, and all sorts of ways to show that we belong together and enjoy each other’s company and care.
A church that shares the gospel
The word ‘gospel’ means ‘good news’. And good news is for sharing. Jesus commanded us to ‘Go and make disciples’, so we love welcoming visitors to our services, and often run courses or events specifically for those who are not yet committed to the Christian faith, but eager to find out a bit more in a non-pressured way. We make online resources available too. We are all called to be witnesses in our homes, workplaces and communities.
A church growing in our knowledge and love of God
Christian faith is not static, but something you keep learning about and growing in, all life long. We look to God in prayer, and depend on his guidance and power. We have small midweek groups to help us grow in our faith, and encourage individuals in private times of Bible study and prayer with God for personal growth each day.
A church establishing children and young people in Christian faith
We really love being a church of all ages. We have a crèche, various groups for children, a weekly youth group meeting, and other events for young people. They are not the church of tomorrow, but part of the church today. So, with their parents, we seek to help them know Jesus, read the Bible, learn to pray, and follow him for the whole of their lives.

A church loving and serving the town of Yeovil
St. John’s has a fantastic town-centre position. The doors are open every day of the week to all-comers. We hold civic services and town celebrations of all sorts. We pray for our town, and work with other churches to extend Christian social care by supporting the Lord’s Larder, the Street Pastors, Counselling4Yeovil; and we run from St. John’s the Yeovil CAP Centre, which helps and supports local people in unmanageable debt.
A church supporting mission work
We have mission links in Benin, Zambia, Gambia, France, and Moldova. We enjoy fostering these personal links, often over many years, by sharing information, praying, and financial support.