About us
St John's is a lively church in the centre of Yeovil in Somerset. We give a warm welcome to all, with a strong focus on Bible based teaching, children’s and youth work, and serving the town of Yeovil. We are part of the Church of England with an amazing 14th century building.
I'm new
Welcome! Below we’ve answered a few questions that you might have if you plan on coming along to church for the first time. We also suggest you take a look around our website as it will give you a good idea of who we are, what is important to us and what sorts of things go on in our church life. If you would like any more information then please do contact us and we will do what we can to help.
Where to park?
There are several public car parks near to the church. It’s currently free on a Sunday and in the evenings.
What to wear?
Whatever you feel comfortable in! Many people come dressed casually, others a bit smarter. However, St John’s is a large and old church with traditionally mediocre heating, so wrap up warm when the weather is cold!
Where to sit?
You can sit where you like. There are modern comfy seats at the back, with the rest of the seating being pews. The stewards on the door will help guide you to a seat if you would like assistance.
Sunday mornings
The 10:30am service is our biggest congregation and is suitable for all ages. The service usually lasts for an hour.
We have a range of service types but a consistent biblical message and welcoming atmosphere. Worship is either led by the band or there will be organ-led hymns and songs. Holy Communion is taken twice a month.
We always invite people to stay on afterwards for refreshments and a chat!
Children's activities
We try to make St John’s as welcoming as possible for children whom we view as a very important part of our congregation.
The most appropriate service for younger children is our 10:30am service, during which our children’s groups run each week, except for the first and fifth Sundays. Groups are provided for children aged 3 to 14, and take place in the Schoolrooms, which is located a short distance across the green outside St John’s. Children normally stay for the first part of the service and return at the end of the service.
A crèche is provided for younger children.
About St John's Church
Our parish of Yeovil with Kingston Pitney includes the Church of St John the Baptist in the town centre, and St Andrew’s Church on the junction of Preston Grove and Grove Avenue. Our parish contains many town centre shops, Yeovil District Hospital, and Yeovil College, as well as residential streets.
St John’s is a large town centre church with a vibrant mix of ages and styles of worship. A full programme of children’s groups and activities is provided each week.
St Andrew’s is a smaller church in a more residential area. It generally has a more traditional, quieter feel, and Sunday services at St. Andrew’s are at 9:30am.
Both churches offer a warm welcome with excellent fellowship and biblical teaching.
Our Vision and Identity
St. John’s is here for God, and here for you! At the heart of our faith is Jesus, who taught people how to know God’s love, and built a community of followers who, in turn, took the good news to others.
We are seeking to do that too: to teach the Christian faith, to grow together in love, and to reach out to Yeovil and the wider area with the good news of Jesus. The Bible makes plain that Jesus’ most important work was done on the cross, when he died for our forgiveness, and in the tomb when he rose to new life. This is what we believe, teach, and celebrate most of all: that in Jesus Christ our sins are wiped away, and we can have a fresh start with God.
Following Jesus is hard, though. That is why we need each other and think of our church as a big family. If you look around our website you’ll see how we encourage each other, learn from the Bible together, and pray at smaller gatherings, at different times, in different venues and for different age groups. You’ll also find out how we seek to serve the town and others further afield through a range of different services, events and courses.
God is alive and we can know him! There’s nothing more exciting than that; have a look around our website, or (better still) come and join us for a service or two. Come as you are; all are welcome; give us a try. Come and find out what Jesus has to say about life, and about your life, here and now.