Children’s groups take place on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays during the 10:30am service. We spend the first part of the service together in church with the children usually leaving for their groups after the children’s talk. Groups take place in the Schoolrooms, which is located a short distance across the green outside St John’s. On the first and fifth Sundays, we have all age services for which children stay in the service. The following groups are provided.
A crèche for babies (0 to 3) is provided every Sunday at 10:30am. During all age services this is held in the main church building, at other times it is held in the Schoolrooms. The crèche is supervised so parents may leave their young children and rejoin the service.
Junior church
Teaching and activities are split in order to provide age specific teaching for 3 to 16.
- Scramblers 3 – 4 years
- Climbers 5 – 6 years
- Explorers 1, 7 – 8 years
- Explorers 2, 9 – 11 years
- Pathfinder 11 – 16 years
Summer holiday club
Every year we host and run a holiday club for approximately 70 children of pre-secondary school age within the church buildings and surrounding land. The club runs for a half day during the week with a special Sunday service at the end of the week to celebrate and recap all we have done and learnt. Our large and enthusiastic team throws themselves into everything from messy games, to drama, teaching, sports, crafts and jokes-aplenty! We are open to everyone, churched and non-churched alike and can guarantee that every child goes away having had a very special week.