Morning Service: Morning Worship

St John's Church Church Street, Yeovil, England, United Kingdom

Our St John’s 10:30am Sunday morning service on every third Sunday of the month is a our morning worship service, with the music led by the organ. You can attend […]

6:30 @ St John’s

St John's Church Church Street, Yeovil, England, United Kingdom

A service on Sunday evenings at 6:30pm in St John's. A more relaxed, contemporary style service with a live band, and teaching from God's word. No booking is necessary for […]

Footprints (term time)

We meet at the St. John’s Schoolrooms on Monday mornings (term time) from 10:00 to 11:30am The group is for parents/carers and their pre-school children. Coffee and cake for parents; […]


Just Older Youth Who? School years 10-11When? Monthly, alternating between a Sunday and a Monday evening.Where? A youth leader’s house in Yeovil.What? We gather for a Bible study and home-made […]

Men’s Fellowship Group

St John's Church School Rooms 4 Church Path, Yeovil, Somerset, United Kingdom

If you’re looking for fellowship, Bible study, coffee & cake – you’d be very welcome! This men’s group meet upstairs in the schoolrooms on a Wednesday afternoon, and follow the […]

Tiny Toes (term time)

St John's Church School Rooms 4 Church Path, Yeovil, Somerset, United Kingdom

This is a really friendly and welcoming group for parents and their babies, aged under 1 year. The group meets during term time and offers support and friendship, as you […]

Gone Fishing Café

St John's Church Church Street, Yeovil, England, United Kingdom

A safe and friendly space for regulars, visitors and passers-by to drop in for a chat and a hot drink (with cake!).

St. John’s Model Railway Group

St John's Church School Rooms 4 Church Path, Yeovil, Somerset, United Kingdom

Come for tea, coffee and a chat with like-minded individuals, and enjoy a chance to run some trains.If you've got any trains of your own but haven't got the track […]

Crafty Ladies

St John's Church School Rooms 4 Church Path, Yeovil, Somerset, United Kingdom

This friendly, relaxed group was started as a way of creating banners and furnishings for our church building. As well as putting their creative skills to work, this group provides […]

Crafty Ladies

St John's Church School Rooms 4 Church Path, Yeovil, Somerset, United Kingdom

This friendly, relaxed group was started as a way of creating banners and furnishings for our church building. As well as putting their creative skills to work, this group provides […]


St John's Church School Rooms 4 Church Path, Yeovil, Somerset, United Kingdom

Friday at 9am prayer meeting. A short prayer meeting held every week at 9am in the Schoolrooms

Christian Aid Lunch

Vicarage Street Methodist Church, Yeovil

CHRISTIAN AID LUNCHES are held on the third Friday of each month, 12 -1.30pm, at Vicarage Street Methodist Church. The menu will comprise of: (with donations shown)Soup (with bread)  - […]