St Andrews
Calendar of Events
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The Captain’s Table
The Captain’s Table
A lunch club for seniors and those who live alone. Come along with or without your friends, make new friends and enjoy lunch with others. £6 for a 2 course lunch, a thought for the day and some entertainment! Please contact Helen to book your place using the form below
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Men’s Fellowship Group
Men’s Fellowship Group
If you’re looking for fellowship, Bible study, coffee & cake – you’d be very welcome! This men’s group meet upstairs in the schoolrooms on a Wednesday afternoon, and follow the same Bible studies as our other church fellowship groups. If you’re free at this time and would like to come along, all men are welcome […]
First Wednesday Prayer Meeting
First Wednesday Prayer Meeting
The parish prayer meeting for St John's and St Andrews's churches. When we meet we generally start by considering a small passage from the Bible. Then we break in to small groups and pray through the various concerns of the church family, parish and those we support. For info on where we are currently meeting […]
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Afternoon Service
Afternoon Service
On the second Sunday of the month, we meet for an afternoon service at 3pm at St. Andrew's Church, Yeovil (instead of our 9.30am service).
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Men’s Fellowship Group
Men’s Fellowship Group
If you’re looking for fellowship, Bible study, coffee & cake – you’d be very welcome! This men’s group meet upstairs in the schoolrooms on a Wednesday afternoon, and follow the same Bible studies as our other church fellowship groups. If you’re free at this time and would like to come along, all men are welcome […]
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TCP (Tea, coffee, croissants, and prayer) This is an informal fellowship group for ladies which meets on the fourth Saturday of each month between 9.00 am - 10.30 am.Up until Christmas we were meeting online. Since then, we have really enjoyed getting together in the schoolrooms.We have good attendance with ladies present from St John's, […]