Categories: Christian Aid, Public Notices

Christian Aid

Many thanks to all who generously supported this year’s Christian Aid Week, with gifts of money, time or both. 

At St John’s we raised a total of £881 from donations, both on-line and cash, including £182 resulting from our team delivering envelopes in 7 streets. In addition, the donations in support of the Riverside Ramble were in excess of £625, including the £250 collected by St Andrew’s. At St. Andrew’s we also raised an additional £81.97 from envelopes plus Christian Aid will be able to claim back about £63 gift aid, bringing the total to approximately £395. Together with £325 from the lunch run by a joint churches team and with money coming in from churches in Yeovil and the surrounding villages, the Yeovil Area Christian Aid Group is hoping to meet or exceed the £4000 collected for last year’s Christian Aid Week, when all is counted up!